
Harvesting your own Organic Olive Oil

Daily Tour Multi Day Availability: 1 March 2022
Seafari Adventures, Μιχαλελη, Plomari, Greece

Lesvos is an immense olive forest. About eleven million olive trees spread in continuous olive groves followed by pine forests. There have always been three predominant kinds of trees on Lesvos: wild olives, pines and oaks. Wild olives had thick leafage and produced small fruit which was the main feeding element of wild birds visiting from around the world during winter time. It is believed that those birds through their waste helped to the spreading of wild olives not only on Lesvos and the other Greek Islands but to Asia Minor as well.

Lesvos has good weather conditions for the growth and cultivation of olives. First rains, when on time together with autumn sunlight and a mild winter create the perfect conditions for the right growth of the olive fruit. However, because weather conditions are not always perfect there are years with a good olive crop and years with limited production.

The main olive varieties on the island are:
a) Valanolia or Kolovi which is indigenous and can be found in soils rich in slate and altitudes of 500m. It covers 7/10 of the olive groves of the island
b) Adramitiani or Aivaliotiki comes from Adramiti in Asia Minor and covers 1/5 of the island’s olive groves. It is cultivated mainly in the Mitylene district and is both edible and an excellent olive-oil giver.

The harvesting period starts in November and ends in January – February.
The residents in Plomari as well as in Lesvos generally, despite the job that they may have, all have small or big amounts of olive trees which they own from their grand – grand fathers and mothers.

At SEAFARI ADVENTURES we try to expand this tradition and welcome our guests to spend some time with us in order to see all the process from close eye. We will spend time in our lands in order to see and practice on how we harvest the olives the traditional way, how and why we use nets and how we separate olives from the leaves and put them in big sacks. And then the process continues by visiting the olive press factory. There you will understand all the different stages of how we get the olive oil from olives. Finally, depending on how many days the guests want to spend with us we have on our program some cooking lessons with fresh olive oil, some secrets we will share about traditional recipes. You can make your own soap with olive oil and of course you will have the chance to have some trips around Lesvos in order to see the island and some of the best parts.
Our package is about experience and making our guests feel like locals.

At the end you will have the chance to take back home FRESH BIO olive oil.

Our Travel Agency among other things can arrange airport pick up and drop off.
Moreover, we propose different apartments, houses or villas to our guests in order to decide what they prefer better as accommodation. We manage all the transportation at the olive groves and also we propose some of the best day trips around the island. So together and based on what you are interested in, we create the best package for you.


  • Private tour
  • Duration Multi day tour
  • Pick Up Times Departures: Upon Request
  • Schedule: October – January upon request

Pick Up Times Departures: Upon Request

Schedule: October – January upon request

 Call Center: +30 2252033489
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